Saturday, July 7, 2012

Out With The Old!

Out With The Old
Poetry by Jessie Lyon (Salon Coordinator)

She said she wanted something new-she'd been a blonde for ages.
She wasn't super edgy and she wasn't one for "Phases."
But recently she'd figured out her boyfriend had been cheating,
and just as quick she made the split - despite his guilty pleading.

She thought there might be one good way to fix this situation:
and so she called the haircolorXperts and arranged a consultation.
The courage fin'ly found her with the parting from her fella
to cut her locks, and ditch the box and say hello to Wella.

(She'd spent her share for golden hair, but changes called for crimson)
With inches gone, and red put on, she left that chair a VIXEN!
We're Cinna to his Katniss, we're heroes and magicians.
As if we even need to say-we're more than just beauticians-

We're those who strive to alter lives-to polish what's existent.
So schedule an appointment with your lovely style assistant.

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